Hella ratchet urban dictionary
Hella ratchet urban dictionary

It's unfortunate that her attitude and entitlement are so out of control and impossible to tolerate that they cancel out any good attributes she might have. Entitled and holier-than-thou, but a good mom. For the most part, when not considering Jo or Javi and how she plays them against each other/makes Jo out to be a horrible father, I do think Kail is a good and dedicated mother. The tattoos are atrocious but it's not my body so if she wants to be covered in spiderwebs and skulls, whatever. She's pretty when she's not scowling and letting that damn bottom lip hang open like a venus fly trap. She usually dresses modestly and casually and she has pretty hair. I thought that gum procedure she had done to show more of her teeth made a HUGE improvement, too. And the story will probably then evolve into poor, long-suffering Kail being targeted by angry racists because she's "half-Guatemalan." She has a persecution complex and (obviously) it bugs the shit out of me and it's getting really fucking old. If she ever "writes" another book, I'm sure it will involve this story, although with massive embellishments like the whole stadium taunting her and laughing at her for being a oncebian-lesbian like she claimed all of Javi's friends did. I'm somewhat shocked that she didn't sit her ass down, whip-a-tit out, start breastfeeding any infant she could find and refuse to leave so she could add that to the powder keg of angsty injustices she was just itching for someone to light. She thinks it's endearing and empowering to be a snotty brat and, for her, it must be because everyone just lets her continue acting like that. No one has said, "Grow the fuck up and get over yourself Kailyn" as far as we've seen throughout this entire franchise. And people just fucking let her which is the part that confuses me the most. If someone has a legitimate complaint about her that she damn well earned, she deflects with every flaw in that person she can come up with (usually quite hypocritically so) and then finds a head to shake and/or a stage to storm off of. And also what a strong woman with strong principles she is for standing up for what she believes in (which is apparently the Cowboys this week.) Kail isn't comfortable or content in life unless there's tension and SHE is in control of said tension. She wanted someone to bitch about it or look at her the wrong way just so she could go off on the person and then recite some never ending monologue about independent she is.

hella ratchet urban dictionary

Without an excuse to make herself look like a victim, she would shrivel up and die.

hella ratchet urban dictionary

Kail was wearing Cowboys attire because Kail needs daily transfusions of pity, angst and self-righteous indignation like the rest of us need oxygen.

Hella ratchet urban dictionary